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What does BIPOC stand for?

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. You may also be familiar with the term POC (People of Colour), or BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) if you live in the UK.

How do I search the directory?

Begin from either the Homepage or the Directory page to search the directory. There are three search boxes in the search bar. Search by name or keyword in the first box. Search by country in the second box. Or search by category in the third box.

For more further instructions on how to use the directory you view our detailed guide here.

Can I be listed in the directory?

If you identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) and work in the fibre industry, we’d love to hear from you! You can submit your interest in being in the directory from our interest form here. If you would like to read more about what we are looking for, we’ve written more about who gets listed on BIPOC in Fiber on a separate page.

How do I update the information on my profile?

If you’re already listed in our directory, please let us know of any changes! You might have a new website, a change of Instagram handle, an update for your bio, or new photos you’d like us to use. Please reach out via our contact form or send us an email at

How can I support BIPOC in Fiber?

Tell a friend about the project or follow us on Instagram or sign up to the newsletter! You can also donate to the project with Paypal.


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