United Kingdom
Crafts Seller, Indie Dyer, Machine Knitter, Spinner, Tools Maker, Weaver
Teresa Etim-Gorst
Teresa Etim-Gorst is a knitwear designer and independent dyer based in Bath, England. Having started out as a machine knitter she's chosen to focus on handknitting and specialises in intarsia when designing garments. She draws on a wide range of influences to inspire the work she produces under her Kissi brand: from West country landscapes to global cityscapes and African tribal art and she works with natural fibres to create an eclectic blend of hand dyed tonal and saturated colours. As well as knitting Teresa's love of fibres extends to spinning, weaving, tapestry work and sewing and alongside the yarns sold in her Etsy shop she also offers hand made project bags to hold work-on-the go.